And the 2022 Winner is!

(tie) Donte Cook and Jimmy Gillespie
(MOCKUP TEST—Final Pending)

Past Winners:

(Note—Click anywhere on page to enable sound effects; each section plays a ~45sec sound
clip when scrolling enters that area. Dynamic fireworks from on GitHub. )


Cornelius Hardenbergh 2021

Jimmy Gillespie 2020

Jimmy Gillespie 2019

Nick Hennigar 2018
Devin Miner 2017
Devin's original winner photos have been lost. (And Niki did such a great job creating them.) These extracted (and re-created) from the background of photos taken during awards.

<-- 2018to2017 -->
Skip Morris 2016
Jimmy Gillepsie 2015
Devin Miner 2014

(These framed photos originally hung on the NOCC Back Office wall before the move to the new building. Earlier <=2019 images created by Niki.)

Past Losers:

People who suck at fantasy football.

               Matt Burtis 2014

        Wei Chen 2015

         Jimmy Gillepsie

    Kyle Griffin

       Jimmy Gillepsie  2018

 Donte Cook

Donte Cook

        Donte Cook  2021

        Wei Chen  2022

(Hover mouse over photos to see original pre-Photoshop images.)

Special Loser's Trophy

The Loser's Trophy has been an occasional award presented to the player who has managed to lose in a way that entertains
everyone else in a most spectacular fashion. (Measured by the amount of laughter and gossip generated.)
Past Recipients:
In 2016 Tom was awarded the Toilet Bowl when his bench racked up an astonishing 122 points.
In 2017, John (who actually had a pretty good team)
managed to lose TWELVE GAMES IN A ROW!!!

Resulting in the Horse's Ass Trophy for "Best Losing Streak".
We thought Tom's 2016 bench total was amazing, but in 2019 Nick
managed to exceed it... netting him the second Toilet Bowl Trophy.
In 2019, John had an unbeatable team with a final point total hundreds
above every else. He ran the table... won every week... then choked in the
final championship game. (ie, Just like the Patriots in the 2007 Season.)
"Akamai Fantasy Football 2019
Best Bench—Nick Hennigar (149
Points Down the Toilet—Week 5)"
'Akamai Fantasy Football 2019
John Piccolomini—"2007 Pats
Award" for the Best Team Evaah'

Always a Bridesmaid—Never a Bride!

Some participants seem to always have good teams—but always manage to lose the final championship game ending
up in second place. (In our league, it seems final winners are always folks who know next-to-nothing about football.)

       ;      Tom Crane (2014, 2015, 2018)

       ;      John Piccolomini (2016, 2019)
(Admittedly these guys are the most knowledgable
about football. Both John and Tom have winning
records for seven-out-of-eight years the league
has existed.)

(We have a pool going to guess which year one
of these guys finally wins the championship.)

       ;      Tom Crane (2014, 2015, 2018)

Award Ceremony Fun:

Each year at the end of the season we have a party an Award Ceremony. Nick pays off the winners, and we have a feast.

2014 Awards (CW from L): Rick, Jimmy, Devin, Tom, Niki, Nick, Grant, Kevin, Wei, and Matt (via video).

Devin and Tom show off their winnings.

The Commissioner announces the results.

The winner's purse: $200 in dollar coins!

For 2016 the winner surprised everyone with an ice-cream bar.

Skip examines the almanac used to help win.

The winner's purse—a pot of gold!

The winner's photo proudly on display in the office.

2017 Awards (L to R): Nick, Donte, John, Kevin, Devin, Niki, Tom–via phone (we think), Jimmy, and Kyle.

Devin poses below his photo on display.

Jimmy shows off his "highest point total" winnings.

2018 Awards (L to R): Devin, Tom, Nick, Niki, Kyle, Skip, and Shane.

The commissioner announces that the winner is... The Commissioner!!!
(We think the results were rigged.)

For some reason, the winner *didn't* get paid in dollar coins.
(Favoritism!!! Favoritism!!! We protest!!!)

Team Names and Icons:

Team Weekend Pass
(Nick Hennigar 2014)

6 LCS Disk Replacement Tix
(John Piccolomini 2014)

Team Sandwiches
(Niki Hansen 2014)

(Kevin Lamont 2014)

The Dwayne Bowe Connection
(Jimmy Gillespie 2014)

Gentle Reminders
(Grant Wilkes 2014)

Team Saturday (Wei
Chen 2014–2020)

Pick and Choose (Tom
Crane 2014–2017)

Team Blouses
(Devin Miner 2014)

Laces Out (Rick
Holland 2014)

Please Advice
(Matt Burtis 2014)

The Waterboy (Kyle
Griffin 2014–2020)

Team Peace of Poo
(Nick Hennigar 2015)

6 LCS Tix (John
Piccolomini 2015)

The Deletebucket$
(Niki Hansen 2015)

Danny Da VETO
(Kevin Lamont 2015)

Can't Deflate Ticket Stats
(Jimmy Gillespie 2015–2020)

Cassandra Timeouts
(Grant Wilkes 2015)

I'm here so I don't get Decon
(Devin Miner 2015)

Laces out The 3rd
(Donte Cook 2015)

Dirty Olde Men
(Skip Morris 2015)

No Botar (Nick
Hennigar 2016)

Global Team Rulez
(John Piccolomini 2016)

The Force of 1,000 Men
(Niki Hansen 2016–2018)

1-106 Auto DraftKings
(Kevin Lamont 2016)

Dirty old feedbacks
(Grant Wilkes 2016)

Pick and Snooze NaNaNa
(Devin Miner 2016)

The Snowflakes (Donte
Cook 2016–2017)

Drowned Rats (Skip
Morris 2016–2021)

perf-help my-team
(Nick Hennigar 2017)

High Times With Josh Gordon
(John Piccolomini 2017)

Team Silver Tails (Niki
Hansen 2017–2020)

1-106 ATeamHasNoName
(Kevin Lamont 2017)

Valyrian Steelers
(Devin Miner 2017)

NOCC NOCC Who's There?
(Olend Kondakciu 2017)

manual off rails
(Nick Hennigar 2018)

Blazing Gordon (John
Piccolomini 2018)

1-106 Saquon Bark-ley
(Kevin Lamont 2018)

Kayaking Perf-Help-Donte
(Donte Cook 2018–2020)

NOCC NOCC Who's There?
(Shane Atwood 2018)

manual off rails
(Nick Hennigar 2019)

Team John (John
Piccolomini 2019–2020)

1-106 Hawk Dog 2.0
(Kevin Lamont 2019)

My team is a Sev 2 incident
(Tom Crane 2018)

Thielen Good
(Devin Miner 2018)

No Fucks Given
(Tom Crane 2019)

Getting Shut Down
(Devin Miner 2019)

Sigh-Borg ! (Shane
Atwood 2019)

Tier -1 (Nick
Hennigar 2020)

Enjoy Your Bye Week
(Cornelius Hardenbergh 2020)

Team Covid
(Tom Crane 2020)

Ezekiel 25:17
(Devin Miner 2020)

AMP errr Sand
(Shane Atwood 2020)

Team WFH
(Tom Crane 2021)

Plimouth Americahometown
(Donte Cook 2021)

League History

Schedule & Scores:  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020
Final Standings:  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020    (Note: Rankings are post-playoffs; stats are regular season.)  
Playoff Brackets:  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020
Draft Recap:  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021  (Note: Draft info for 2014 and 2015 not found yet.)  
Box Scores 2019:  manual off rails  (More coming.)
Box Scores 2020:
Box Scores 2021:

Best Score Evah!!!

Old Site:

The original Losers' Page (hosted on AWS) was lost when Kevin left the company. He did however email some of the images so we didn't have to re-create from
scratch. Here's a screen capture of part of it from a photo taken during the 2017 awards.